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Pirate Bay co-founder denied an NES for his prison cell

Pirate Bay co-founder and former operator, Fredrik Neij, was arrested and put in prison just last year for copyright infringement. Inititally, he had hoped to kill some time making his way through some classic Nintendo games, but the prison has denied his request for an NES.

While the prison usually does allow inmates to have access to consoles, Neij's request for an NES was denied due to the fact that it can't be opened up and checked for contraband with ease, due to the screws used on the console. In its reply to the former Pirate Bay operator, the prison stated that: “The console is sealed in such a way that it can not be opened without the machine being destroyed”.


“In light of this, the institution can’t implement the necessary control of the game console and it is therefore impossible to ensure that it does not contain prohibited items”. As you could imagine, Fredrick doesn't agree and is planning to appeal on the grounds that the prison could just buy the required screw driver to open up the console.

He also wrote that the idea that the institution lacks the funds to pick up an extra screwdriver “can not be considered reasonable”. Additionally, if the prison wanted to get creative, it could just use a pen and a cigarette lighter to open up the NES.

Aside from that, the NES does not pose any other form of security threat as it has no network connectivity.

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KitGuru Says: I do wonder how far this appeal will get, the request doesn't seem entirely unreasonable, the NES is one of the most basic consoles around and opening one up to check for contraband would take little effort with the proper tools.

Source: TorrentFreak, expressen

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  1. It sound’s like somebody in the system is just being spiteful, and it’s probably not the prison staff, I’d think the prison would be getting pressure from elsewhere to make life a bit more difficult for Mr Neij !

  2. “It’s not easy to get into, but someone might have hidden something in there, even though it’s not easy to get into, but someone might have hidden something in there, even though…”

  3. huh my NES juts has normal philips screws, and the thing would function perfectly well without it’s case. Sounds like the prison just wants to do the least amount it possibly can for it’s inmates.

  4. “The console is sealed in such a way that it can not be opened without the machine being destroyed”.

    Then how can it be opened to hide something inside without it being obvious…? >.>

  5. You’re in a prison, not a holiday resort.What kind of prison would give inmates video games to play anyway,if you cant do the time don’t do the crime.

  6. “the prison usually does allow inmates to have access to consoles”

  7. Well done you can copy and paste,your mom must be soooo proud of you!That’s the exact part of the article I was referring to genius.

  8. Debatius trollus

    you have a shallow way of thinking. have a look at scandinavias prison system and get educated!

  9. Do the crime, do the time.It’s not supposed to be a leisure resort.

  10. Debatius trollus

    again LOOK IT UP.
    the criminals have rights and his “crime” is still in question by the majority of the population.
    i will not have you put EVERY crime on the same lvl. never compare a peadophile against something as petty theft

  11. Although I don’t condone piracy, it’s not like he’s committed a violent crime or physically hurt someone. I’d even go so far as to say that he’s more of a Robin Hood type he enabled a lot of poorer people means to access things that they otherwise couldn’t afford. Let’s not forget that just because somethings pirated it doesn’t equate to a lost sale.

    TLDR: He’s not a murderer, I buy stuff some people can’t he provided a means for those people.

  12. How about you look up the yearly profit made by Pirate Bay,if it was a non profit organization they probably would not have been persecuted as much.Prison is a form of punishment and so you get deprived of comforts as part of the punishment.

    Not only are you being hypocritical but self righteous to boot.Where did I put said crime on the same level of any other?

    If you actually educated yourself you would know that “pedophiles” are segregated from mainstream inmates, where your “petty thieves” are put in, but you are completely derailing the topic at this point.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and just because someone doesn’t share your opinion it does not necessarily make theirs wrong,thus the term self righteous used, which is exactly what you are being.

    Prison is a place to amend for your wrong doing.We both have a different perception on this,but don’t put words into my mouth.I at no stage “put EVERY crime on the same lvl” as you put it.

    I am 100 percent anti piracy,and believe any that support it should be punished accordingly.

  13. ♪♫♪♫♪I RECEIVED FIRST DRAFT OF $13000!@ak26:



  14. Stupid question, stupid answer.

  15. “Prison is a place to amend for your wrong doing.”

    I’m not sure whether you’re naive, uneducated or just stupid. Prisons in the West are supposed to keep criminals away from the general population for the longest time legally possible.People won’t “amend” because you lock them up with other, and, in this case, much more dangerous criminals. If it worked we wouldn’t have so many repeat offenders.

  16. Well, “the machine being destroyed”. Wouldn’t work.
    Then again, the prison is just too retarded to get the screwdriver.

  17. shut up with it already! fucking keyboard warrior, you just make yourself look stupid! yes prison is a place to “amend” (lol a bit preachy… praise the lawd!) your wrongs but by putting them in a cell with nothing you’ll just send them bat shit crazy. prisons arn’t for judgement and amending people you bloody tool their trying to reform the inmates and hopefully be a deterrence for them

  18. Pretty sure they denied it not because it could be used to smuggle things in, but because the system and games could easily hide contraband during regular searches. It would waste the prisons time if they had to unscrew and check his games and system during every search.

    Maybe he will be able to strike a deal for a gutted NES so there is no way to hide contraband.

  19. Debatius trollus

    Look up Norwegian prison system., i think you will be suprised as to how it works.
    Its more about rehab than judgement. I’ll even put in a link, just read it dude, its interesting to say the least!


    Im not an ani piracy as i do not like many of the american corporation.
    What they made of money was from advertisement and thats not illegal.

  20. Robin Hood was not making 4 million a year.It may not physically harm anyone but financially it does.The biggest reason I am anti piracy is due to a lot of developers and publishers refusal to release their games on pc.

    I realize that consoles have piracy also, but its easier to pirate on pc than on console.I do see where you are coming from.I think the bigger problem is in game pricing more so however.

  21. The only Keyboard warrior I see here is you, you’re also the only making yourself look “stupid”.To say that is quiet likely the longest most illiterate sentence I have likely read in my life.

    If you feel the need to call people stupid, you should first take a long look at yourself, make sure you can at the very least formulate a sentence , what is “arn’t” ?

    The point I’m trying to make is the irony in all you said is outstanding.
    1)Shouts Keyboard warrior, then proceeds to flame
    2)Shouts Stupid, then proceeds to write terrible grammar and spelling.
    3) Its a brand new account, so I know your a Troll.

    Why are you so hell bent on defending criminals anyway???Truth is your not at all you just want to argue with someone.

  22. Why I’m responding to an ill-informed troll is beyond me.You want to call people stupid,just because they disagree with you,that and the juvenile user name you chose shows just the type of mentality behind your reasoning.A prison is designed to reform or rehabilitate,it’s not a perfect system by any means.Ultimately it’s supposed to be a deterrent from committing crime.

    If you don’t want to go to prison, don’t do the crime, its really that simple.Ultimately when you resort to name calling in a discussion its because you have not the mental capacity for anything beyond that.

  23. You don’t get to act like you’ve got the moral high-ground when you make comments like this:

    “Well done you can copy and paste,your mom must be soooo proud of
    you!That’s the exact part of the article I was referring to genius.”

    But please, do keep whining and eluding.

  24. Yes but you must understand that the money was made by traffic and that traffic was attracted by piracy.I read that article and I believe Sweden has a similar system, but is it a deterrent if you know you will have such luxuries if and when you get caught for a crime.
    I do like how they do such things as working in stables etc,that’s exactly as it should be.I also don’t believe that someone should be just caged and scheduled etc.The punishment should fit the crime,they were sentenced to a year but went on the run.

    Ideally a prison should be able to take a convicts talent and show them how to put it to a better legal use.There are several big Corporations I hold disdain to also, So I can relate to that, but a lesser evil is still an evil.

    I appreciate your argument and appreciate more that you did it in a mature non flaming fashion.I think we will just have to agree to disagree on some elements even if I agree with some of what you say.

  25. Like you, I don’t pirate things at the end of the day someone has worked to create that content, I know how I’d feel working for no wage. But like I say a pirated copy doesn’t necessarily equal a lost sale (I’ve even known it be argued people use piracy to test a product which they then buy.)
    Personally I don’t think game prices are an issue, it’s bigger than that bare in mind game prices have pretty much stayed the same over the years (remember N64 games being $60?) at the end of the day people who can’t afford will pirate, all we can do as consumers is stand up and support the devs we like with our pockets.

    TLDR: Didn’t want my previous comment to sound like I was condoning piracy, I still think giving him a NES wouldn’t be the end of the world though.

  26. The only keyboard warrior “is” see (I see)… – Improper Spelling.

    “your” (you’re) also the “only” (one) making… – Improper spelling, omitting words.

    “To say” that is “quiet” likely… – Ommiting words at beginning of sentence, improper spelling. (I have to say, that is quite likely the longest….)

    The point I’m trying to make is the irony in all you said is outstanding – incorrect version.

    “The point I’m trying to make is about the outstanding irony of what you have said”
    – correct version.

    “Its” (It’s) a brand new account…. – incorrect spelling.

    (The) Truth is “your” (you aren’t) “at all” (delete “at all”)… -omitting words, spelling.

    1) Shouts the grammar Nazi salute and creates more grammatical errors in his flaming reply than were made in the quoted post.
    2) Becomes the epitome of all the insults he’s flung so far.
    3) Still remains a bigoted troglodyte even after being presented with the laws and customs of the country in question.

    Why are you so hell bent on defending prisons anyway??? The truth is you aren’t, you just want to presume upon the guilt of someone based on media portrayals of them.

  27. In all honesty they probably are being difficult just because he went on the run for a year would be my speculation anyway.

  28. Definitely doesn’t help his case, another thing worth considering is that any such item would need to be searched, I know it states reason that they’ve declined it is that it can’t be “opened” without breaking it, which many people have pointed out in the comments is incorrect. I don’t think its a case where the prison system don’t have the technical knowledge to open a NES more so the fact that they shouldn’t have to, opening and checking for contraband is just extra work and I’m sure they struggle with work loads as is.
    I’ll be 100% honest with you Shane, I’ve started to think about it more, I still think that providing a retro console wouldn’t be the end of the world, but you were 100% correct when you stated that at the end of the day he has committed a crime, there’s people out there working that can’t afford a NES so maybe they’re right, maybe he shouldn’t have such luxuries.
    I don’t even know which side of the fence I sit on at the moment. Part of me wants to stand up for the little man those that used Pirate Bay etc because they couldn’t afford or gain content any other way (let’s not forget some TV series aren’t available in certain territories) but the adult in me, (the one that pays bills and buys media content) is urging me to realise that what they did was wrong.

  29. Shane you probably were one of many that used pirate bay, so let the guy have a Nintendo.. Pirate bay shared many links to make one link and technically is not stealing nor infringement