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Obama critical over Chinese net security terrorism laws

US President Barack Obama has criticised Chinese plans to implement new anti-terror laws which would see all tech firms doing business in the country forced to hand over encryption keys and to provide back doors in software to allow the military to gain digital access to whatever they want.  While China remains adamant that the laws will not affect legitimate tech firms, Obama has stated that China would need to change its tune if it wants to continue to do business with the United States.

China's response has mostly been to hold a mirror up to Mr Obama, who has during his terms as president presided over some of the most privacy invading digital actions of any administration, including the NSA's installation of backdoors in commercial hard drive firmware. It also suggested that other Western countries had also requested encryption keys from developers. While not cited specifically, the UK PM, David Cameron, recently stated that if re-elected in May, he would push to have effective encryption outlawed.


Indeed, while Western nations like to hold China up as an example of infringing the rights of its citizens, the use of anti-terror law as a tactic to push through restrictive technological reforms has been used in Western countries for years. Just a few weeks ago a new anti-terror bill was shot down in British parliament when it attempted to piggy back the ‘snooper's charter' onto legislation designed to help prevent terrorism.

Unfortunately, this is the knock on effect from such secretive and invasive digital laws: countries would prefer to keep to their own. China's latest move essentially forces US and other technological companies to play by its rules. If that doesn't happen, it will simply look to domestic suppliers for hardware and software, something that many nations have suggested doing in the wake of Edward Snowden leaks killing a lot of people's faith in the US and British tech firms.

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KitGuru Says: It does seem pretty hypocritical of Obama to suggest that China's laws are too restrictive, when his intelligence agencies have been spying on their own citizens for years. [Thanks Reuters]

Image source: Mark Nozell

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  1. Obama’s probably panicking because it gives the GOP one more reason to compare him to communists.

  2. I really do not see the comparison. This is like a thief asking for your keys and schedule for everybody who lives in your house. China has taken a lot from the US, I guess they are at the point where they don’t even need to hide it anymore.

  3. Should the report be true, if that doesn’t tell you who owns/manipulates/juggles Uncle Tomee and his Kabalistic Kabin Krew, perhaps the addiction to Shopping, Entertaining, Politiking, Financing, Taxing, Crediting, et al, just might. As said, you wanna know who owns you, see who is pulling your string.

    Regardless of what “The Chinese”, oka Dem Yellards, are doing, the unquenchable urge to control and manipulate, salient features of a Nazi, Covert/Abandoned or Overt/Ritualistic, is merely the latent urge to abandon to one’s “Religion & Religiosity”, be the religion, Emotional, Material or “Mental”. Or put it another way, when “The Devilish” is glitzying, who are the ones who automatically Finger-Points? To save the remaining brain cells aflotsaming upon the conconut water Up Thar of The Vacuously Parroting, why is it that when, say, the word “Idiot” is uttered loudly, ALL The Idiots automatically rise up to challenge their [perceived] expose?

    It will be a benevolent moment to [finally be able to] realise [and not blindly Knowing/Saving/Rejecting-AcKnowledging/Worshipping/Accepting] that Truth is not for Owning/”Knowing”, Truth is for Becoming-Being. Something they never teach you at school because “teachers” also are also neither conscious nor aware of their reality/Reality other than being Good for Everything Relative but are otherwise Good for Nothing Real.