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Battlefield 5 to return to military setting

Battlefield 5 is currently penciled in to release towards the end of 2016 but we are already starting to hear some details about the game. For example, it turns out that the upcoming title will bring the series back to its military roots, taking a step away from Battlefield Hardline's approach, which features cops VS robbers.

Speaking at the UBS Global Technology Conference this week, EA CFO, Blake Jorgensen, said that Battlefield 5 is shaping up to be a “fun, new Battlefield”, we will also see a “return to a Battlefield, military style game; more to come on that”.


Battlefield Hardline will come out at the beginning of next year, EA has previously stated that Battlefield 5 has been pushed back until holiday 2016 in order to give players more time to play Visceral Game's upcoming take on the series as well as the recently fixed Battlefield 4, which had a very troubled launch last year.

In addition, Star Wars Battlefront III is due to launch during the holiday season next year and EA likely doesn't want to take too many resources away from that game's development.

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KitGuru Says: While it's good to see EA not rushing out another Battlefield, particularly after what happened last year, I don't really care much for the standard military shooter style. However, I'm sure many of our readers do enjoy the military setting. What do you guys think about this? Would you rather see DICE do something different with the Franchise in 2016? 

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  1. “Military” doesn’t mean “Modern Military”. Let’s just say that back at CTE testing for the Final Stand DLC, they said to look out for Easter Eggs of a new Battlefield. Ima try finding that again.

    EDIT: Pretty sure it’s not this, but still: “[…] Taking place on the artic landscape of Russia, where the scientists of today are experimenting with technology that will define the battlefields of tomorrow (Battlefield 2142, anyone?), […]” – http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/news/view/the-final-stand/
    *still looking for it*

    EDIT2: Nope, can’t find it… whatever, I quit. :I

  2. yep

  3. It is nice to know that EA are taking their time with the next Battlefield. I was horrified to read an article about a year ago that they would follow the COD ethos of releasing a game every year. Thank god that was incorrect. Look how that series has turned out!

  4. good article good article

  5. Don’t forget there are two, now three, development studio’s working on CoD. A Call of Duty may release every year but it still takes two years to develop each one (now three so hopefully better quality in them). So whether CoD do it right or not a single development studio can never pull off a triple-a game a year without it being unfinished and shit

  6. they not fixed it you dont believe it do you i ahve a friend who bought it he has high end hardware with 2 graphic cars and superior cpu yet he says with it he cant get to a certain problem which keeps coming up and includes on my system the stupid netcode future games i will wait till i throw my money on it

  7. “2 graphics cars”. I want a graphics car. They sound awesome lol.

  8. they haven’t fixed Bf3 yet and thinking about Bf5 already lol gg Dice.

  9. Don’t play BF3 anymore. Get BF4 it’s better than a year ago when it was released. 90% of the bugs and glitch have been fixed. I’m playing it on the PS3…

  10. That’s not easter egg, but the picture above might be a premonition and someone may find on that map a grenade with yellow smiley coin attached to the pin.

  11. they can keep it after the bf4 balls up

  12. I know it’s not, I said I couldn’t find it… I’m sure I read it somewhere there, but can’t find it at all. :/
    It’d also seem a bit odd to model the titan, walkers (well, most of them), etc. and then let those 3D models to waste… :3

  13. LOL you serious? Both games are broken as fuck. I own both btw

  14. What you complain about i got both too and they seem fine, unless for the inefficient anti-cheat system, the rest is good

  15. Netcode problems, every single game as them it’s the “industry specs” it’s not the developers fault.

  16. Lol I play the game fine. I don’t know if there something wrong with your brain. I don’t create lies like those fanboys….

  17. lies? It’s true. Shit netcode, shit balance. If you really think those games are fine for 60$ + 60$ premium (at least at launch) then you have no standarts. I got both games for 20$ each with premium. For this price yeah it’s a decent game but not for the 120$ people payed at launch. And upvotging your own comments makes you look like an idiot btw.

  18. Lol stop misleading people that the games still have bugs. I wait for one full year and just bought BF4 premium edition just a few weeks ago and played it for the first time. I can play it fine and no shitty netcode. Also why are you angry and defensive?

    Also Disqus let me upvote my own comment. Why are you a busybody to see who upvote my comment? Do I look like an idiot to you? A pot calling the kettle black. Wonder why dumb people these days is still alive and exists?….

  19. nice, im gonna play it using the oculus rift in 4k which will make really life look fake.

  20. yeah why do dumb people like you exist? I don’t understand. Those games are buggy you can say whatever you want but you’re lying if you don’t say that those games aren’t buggy. They’ll never be fixed anyway. It’s more like warning people from making a mistake rather than misleading them to buy this piece of shit game. If you got no standarts yeah those games are exactly for you, if you expect a 75% working & full product, you’re wrong here.

  21. Lol stop whining. They have fixed 90% of the game glitch and bugs. Nothing is perfect. Also you have few spelling error so stop calling people dumb because you are dumber lol. May God blast you…

  22. Standard development time “should” be 5 years……..

  23. I already know I won’t like it, the series has swayed WAY too far over to CoD style twitch run and gun shooting in comparison to older pc only battlefield titles which is waht I want. Unfortunately the only games that give me that kind of gameplay are those very same battlefield games (mainly bf2 and 2142) or arma, although the latter leans too far the other way (not saying it isn’t good but sometimes I simply cannot be bothered with the infantry sim side and simply want something inbetween and nothing covers that niche anymore)

    (edit: I want even get into the fact that whilst bf games were famous for having buggy launches the last few have been utterly horrendous due to the seemingly rushed to market state of them)

  24. That depends if you’re making a game from scratch i.e building up a new engine and new resources, or making a sequel. A sequel will likely use an existing engine and will reuse models, scripts, textures etc etc which tends to cut development time by a healthy amount. I’m not saying 2 years is great, maybe 3-5 years depending on the situation and even the development team size

  25. Well you have spelling mistakes too, so? Your argument is invalid. 90%? HA – what a low minded idiot you are. You’re worse than a casual gamer. No gaming experience but saying 90% is fixed? It’s rather 10% if not less lol. You think it’s fine because you can’t think further than ”oh this game is fun so the game is 99.9% perfect & flawless”.
    Plus god doesn’t even exist so may a bottle of whisky blast me after this conversation! haha

  26. Bravo. I don’t think you have play the game at all. You have made a stupid comment and you called someone an idiot over the internet. Also when I made my own comment to reply you don’t use common sense at all.

    Also where’s my spelling mistake? Bravo. Let me clap for you. May God blast you with a Matador…

  27. ” I don’t think you have play the game at all” *played. I own both games, Bf3 & 4. I already said that but you are a blind pleb.
    ”Also you have few spelling error so” *errors// or ”a spelling error” if you are referring to only one mistake.
    ”Also where’s my spelling mistake?” *Where are *mistakes.. I was referring to multiple mistakes, I also wrote ”mistakes” not ”mistake” to make it clear but you proved you can’t read, again.
    People who can read are in advantage, huh! Still voting up your own comment, lol seriously makes you look stupid. My comment is stupid? If you call truth stupid then that’s not my problem. You seem to be a fanboy of the franchise.

    Wasting time > you

  28. Battlefield 2 was by far one of the best games that came from EA, everything after was noting more then crap, so hearing this makes me wounder if they plan on going back to something like the days of Battlefield 2, that would be amazing.


  29. Funny and I’m with you this Serialmania is a douche bag if you ask me.

  30. Haha lol. Good job. I know you already said that but who know you lied? Lol no common sense at all. I know you hate EA but don’t resort to creating lies.
    I say again. Disqus let me upvote so why not? What a busybody and dumb guy. LOL…

  31. Everyone don’t click that clink. It’s a spam!…

  32. I use more common sense a day than you have until this point of your life. I know how a game should work, not only on screen but also in numbers & letters. The fact that you have 0 experience in gaming is easy to spot due to your comments where you’re only defending & trying to spread lies telling other people this games are fine. No they’re not. It’s not worth the money they want you to pay for this. If you were using atleast a tiny little bit of common sense you’d spot my ‘it’d be a good game for 20$ with premium but not 120$’. This is also common sense. Not ‘this game makes fun i like it 11/10 every1 should buy it’.

  33. Well we are getting off topic with your nonsense comment. Let get back to first comment while I merely tell you not to tell lies and you have been barking like mad dog since then.

    Why so defensive? This means you are guilty. You have been put to Hall of Shame. Case closed…

  34. You have been leading it offtopic you dumb fuck. I proved you wrong and showed you that you’re talking nonsense and now you’re trying to cover it up with more nonsene.
    >Wasting time

  35. Congrats. We are both wasting time. In real world they are talking about Ebola and the Ferguson Strike and here’s we are arguing about whether BF4 is still buggy or. What the…

    It’s alright. You will wake up one day. Case closed. May God blast you…

  36. Serial everyone knows your a douche bag and if you didn’t, well you know now. On the plus side of things telling someone not to click on the link, just makes them wanna do it more and FYI it’s not spam, it’s there if you wanna get in contact with me okay.

  37. Everyone don’t click that. He will get money everytime someone click that link….