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Apple fanatic Steven Fry pushes Sky 3D TV

Outspoken UK comedian (and tech fanatic) Stephen Fry is helping Sky TV to push their 3D television support with a promotional video. Stephen Fry is well known for his love of all things Apple, turning up at launch events and even interviewing Apple CEO Steve Jobs for TIME Magazine.

Sky are hoping to bank on Stephen Frys accessibility with the public and if the video is anything to go by, he could very well shift more than a few package deals for them.

He explains the differences between modern day 3D Television and he makes sure to point out that we no longer need to wear horrible red and green glasses.

SKY TV in the UK are in a battle against Virgin Media who have superior internet capabilities but are lacking in High Definition channel support.

It is well worth a look if you don't understand the technology, and as always with Stephen Fry involved it is witty and very amusing. Sky TV launch 3D television on 1st October so there is only a few weeks left to wait.

KitGuru says: Are you interested in 3D TV? share your views with us.

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  1. Heh that was funny, much better than the usual promotional crapvideos.

    His new book is very good also.

  2. http://www.weebls-stuff.com/songs/Stephen+Fry/
    hell yeah, Stephen Fry!:)