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Studies show that Galaxy Tab was ‘confused’ with iPad

Internal Samsung documents have shown that a percentage of the consumer audience were unable to tell the Galaxy Tab and iPad apart. Samsung admitted that this led to ‘strategical changes' in advertising.

CNET reported that Samsung internal studies showed that consumers were confused over the Galaxy Tab tablet, mixing it up with the Apple iPad.

The survey that Samsung sponsored fed back the following information “Over half of consumers who recognize the Samsung sponsored TabTVC [believed to mean TV commercial] thought it was for Apple. Only 16 percent thought it was for Samsung…. Only 11 percent of consumers are aware and can link the Galaxy Tab back to Samsung while 65 percent of consumers are aware and can link the iPad back to Apple.”

The company who conducted the study for Samsung (Gravitytank) said that they should continue “to offer distinct and distinguishable Galaxy products.”

The ongoing battle between Apple and Samsung has ‘leaked' a lot of interesting information from both parties. The trial continues on Friday and people are hoping that more juicy secrets hit the public domain. We have already seen photos of the iPad, iPhone and Galaxy prototypes.

The study named “Touch Portfolio: Rollout Strategy, Recommendation based on consumer insight.” was entered into evidence yesterday for the trial in San Jose, California.

Kitguru says: Damaging for Samsung? or does it show that they were trying to differentiate their tablet from the main competitor?

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