Home / Software & Gaming / AMD talk to KitGuru – BadCompany 2 fix is coming

AMD talk to KitGuru – BadCompany 2 fix is coming

This past Wednesday, AMD released Catalyst 10.6. We looked at video performance here and flash acceleration here. In our forums we have seen a few Crossfire users of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 complain about decreased performance in that game with Catalyst 10.6. So we went right to the source, to ask for a comment on the reported performance decrease.

Terry Makedon told us this “Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have reproduced the performance drop and will be issuing a Catalyst Application Profile (CAP) update later today to get our performance back up to previous levels. An optimization was accidentally disabled which caused us to unnecessarily stall the driver resulting in stuttering and poor performance.”

KitGuru says: You guys wont have long to wait !

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  1. YAY ! thanks for letting us know Zardon:)

  2. Still no World of Warcraft performance fixes though.

  3. Very nice to see its being worked on so fast, Thanks!

  4. as always they forgot something, in cat 10.4 was fix, in cat 10.5 was fix, and in current catalysts will be fix :> do you know something about testing before release? ….epic fail

  5. They can’t write decent drivers, it’s the same as always. Poor software support… every major title has some kind of glitch when you’re powered by ATI. Not to mention their drivers for other OS’s. It’s sad.

  6. what about the single gpu user and the load times in bfbc2? since they have gotten slower now with the 10.6 driver i had 5 second load times with the 10.4 and 10.5 driver but now im around 15 to 20 seconds for load times. so when will this be fix? i have a 5870

  7. WOOOOOOT!!!I thought something was wrong with my pc or game…awesome thanks for the news

  8. http://www.rage3d.com/xmp/ they have a new update for this , give it a try

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