Home / Software & Gaming / G2A’s first game is a VR themepark

G2A’s first game is a VR themepark

Game key selling marketplace G2A has been working on selling its own first party titles too and has now launched its first one. Called G2A Land, the virtual theme park exists in multiple dimensions, as you can step right inside the world using a virtual reality headset. The game is now available exclusively through Oculus' store.

G2A has had a rocky relationship with developers over the past few years, as illegitimate key sales on the platform have ended up costing indie developers a lot of money in chargebacks through Paypal and other platforms. While G2A has made some changes to mitigate problems like that, it may be that it's more empathetic with them now that it has its own games to worry about.

G2A Land is one of a couple of developments it has in the works, the other being a WW2 shooter called Blunt Force. This one however doesn't feature much in the way of death defying action, though it does have a shooting gallery. Other attractions include an underwater world and a few rollercoasters. [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZZ8-Guxv6k']

One of the areas within G2A Land is Gotham VR and seems to put you on rails while you fly through various areas of Batman's world, though it's not clear if G2A is avoiding any direct branding of copyright conflicts with its choices. There's also a virtual cinema, where presumably you can load in your own choice of videos, though that's hardly groundbreaking at this point in VR's development.

As PCGamesN points out, there are a tonne of G2A adverts in front of your face while you play the game or at least sit through some of its experiences. But that may be why the game is so affordable at just £8.

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KitGuru Says: Hardly a groundbreaking experience for G2A's first commercial release, but perhaps a good testing ground for some of its ideas about what VR can offer.

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