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Cougar LX Series 600 W Power Supply

Cougar may have their name highlighted at the top of the fan sticker, but reading lower down we can see it is a Power Logic HDB fan, model number PLA12025S12M ZP. Rated specifications show that under most situations it should not spin too fast. Something we will test soon.

Cougar LX Series 600 W Power Supply Gallery

Build quality is nothing stellar, but it is reasonably good overall. Some of the soldering could be better however.

This power supply is made by OEM partner HEC and it looks like one of their older platforms, which has been slightly modified.  There are two DC-DC converters on the secondary side to drive the +3.3V and +5V rails.

I was expecting to see slightly larger (or more) heatsinks in this particular unit, especially considering the modest bronze levels of efficiency.

It is disappointing to see TEAPO capacitors in this unit but I was expecting it beforehand. I would have been more surprised to see 105c rated Rubycon. The primary capacitor is a Chinese CapXon, rated 330uF, 400V. To make matters worse, it is only 85c rated which gives me a few concerns. There is no over temperature protection in this particular unit either.

Filtering caps in the secondary stage are by another low cost Chinese brand – TEAPO. Japanese capacitors would raise the production costs dramatically but its not very reassuring to see such low grade capacitors in both stages. Not a very impressive overall choice of capacitors in this unit to be honest. There is a point to be made when people say you get what you pay for.

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  1. Teapo isn’t chinese but taiwanese and it produces good quality caps. You’re not going to expect japanese caps in a low budget unit.
    Capxon on the primary side really sucks, it’s 400v certified at least ( most low budget units mount 200v primary caps, 20-30v less than european household power).

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  3. Actually I don’t rate TEAPO as anything close to good – its true taiwanese are a little better than those sourced from Chinese plants, but neither of them are great. over the years I have had 2 or 3 of them explode when I was testing power supplies. 1 of them has also leaked. So I stand by my views, which has been based on 5 years of testing power supplies.

  4. 3 dead capacitors over 6 years of testing isn’ t good enough? I don’ t say they are perfect, i just state they are a good compromise. Can you list 5 low budget units with jappo caps? ( incoming evga b3, corsair vengeance ok, then?).
    I agree with you about caps origin but we can take advantage of this difference ( i mean chinese/taiwanese) to discern pure chinese trash (capxon, jung fu,elite…) and admissible ones!
    You remind me this article, Jonny from jonnyguru seems to agree with that.
    Thanks for the review, greetings from Italy.

  5. I know Jon Gerow pretty well , he works for Corsair now and other people seem to be running JohnnyGuru’s website. Not sure why on earth you are linking me to Toms Hardware or why you want a debate with me over this. I have opinions, just like you, and I personally always warn people when they are buying very budget power supplies with Chinese capacitors as I have seen quite a few failures testing power supplies over the years – its always with TEAPO capacitors. I also never said they needed to be loaded with Japanese capacitors regardless of price – I just mentioned there could potentially be problems due to my own findings. I will try and hunt out some photographs I took at the time and its always TEAPO – not other Chinese or Taiwanese brands.

  6. i know this is old but ocuk state that the returns on Cougar units is very low in fact the lowest of any brand they sell and they used to use these in some of gaming builds they sell.

    I would like to see you do other low budget psu like Kolink ones to compare.