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Corsair RM1000i Special Edition unboxing (one of 100 made!)

This Special Edition of the Corsair RM1000i power supply is extremely limited as only 100 will ever be made. Corsair is giving away 30 (to whom we have no idea), 20 will be given away to key members of the Press such as KitGuru and 50 will be sold from the Corsair web shop.

Before you watch the video be sure to read the KitGuru technical analysis of the original (black) RM1000i over HERE.

We cannot guess at the price but let’s assume it won’t be cheap considering a regular RM1000i costs £149 and RM1000X sells for £175. Technically we can be confident the spec hasn’t changed as the user guide is the regular RM family paperwork so this is purely a cosmetic makeover.

The headline features are the 1000W peak output and Gold 80 Plus rating. The power supply looks superb in white and will take pride of place in some future KitGuru system builds.

The other part of the package is a bundle of aftermarket white cables that looks like CableMods to our eyes, which suggests they are worth around £90.

In addition to the main 24-pin cable and 2x 8-pin EPS (each is 4+4) we have 8 x 6+2 PCI Express as well as plenty of SATA and 4-pin Molex. The icing on the cake is a USB cable and Corsair monitoring connection to feed the Link software.

This power supply has enough juice and connections for any system we might conceivably build and that makes us very happy indeed. The fact we have number 97 out of 100 makes us even happier as it suggests that KitGuru got very lucky. If you manage to snag one, treat it well because it is likely to become a collectors item, in years to come.

The landing page for the infographic and RM1000i is http://www.corsair.com/rm10000ise

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  1. Cool

  2. Its just white does it have to be limited edition. Thats pretty stupid. I would like a white psu for my white build, but i guess not

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