Here at KitGuru headquarters, it's raining harder than an English summer. Information, that it. Just as we posted on the $30 price drop for the GTX460, we started to receive anonymous tip-offs on the street price for the GTS450. If you like to see that kind of thing exposed, read on.
KitGuru has been telling you for ages that the launch price for the GTS450 will be in the £99 to £129 range.
We still stand by these figures for the weeks that follow the launch, but we're now able to offer some hard-and-fast price information of what the UK numbers will be.

The slower versions of the GTS450 will retail in the UK for £115 inc vat (possibly closer to £119 if some retailers are a little greedy and/or the reviews go well).
Faster versions of the card will be £129.
In the US, we're hearing that Newegg will go live at $129 and $149 for the two flavours.
For anyone who's not sure why the price disparity, try this link.
KitGuru says: That's it. We're drained, like a cow that's been milked too hard. Need to lay down and watch some X-factor.
Will the KitGuru audience be hitting the stores with a fistfull of GBP/USD? Let us know, below.
Im a bit lost, so it will be priced to compete with 5770 basically? seems to be the same UK price as it right now.
Yeah, looks to be targetting 5770 head on.
Thats a great great price point. 5770 should get nailed if its anything like the 460. shame about nvidias high end fermi 🙁
Brilliant, look forward to the reviews on the net, hopefully its as good as 460.
This is a win win for everyone. I hear it should be very good too. Clearly they are worried about the new ATI boards out in a few months !
Great news, price wars are fab for everyone !
its competing price wise with a yr old design.
Ati will drop the price of that gpu immediatly.
There 6 series is on route?.
Any 1 gig 5770 is £95 2nd hand in c.e.x. with a yrs warranty anyway, .
It will be 3 months before nvids come thru in no’s.
Nvid are closing on the leaders in the wrong race as usual.
I am completely Underwhelmed with nvids dx11 effort.
Two flavors? Which two flavors be these? Could one of them have 192-bit memory?